Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 12:30 pm

Mom has been released to the GI team. This means she is no longer "officially" in the MICU! Since there is not a bed in the "regular" rooms, she can stay in MICU. So she really gets the best of both worlds - the care of one nurse for every two patients - but not the headaches - vitals every 15 - 30 minutes. Now it's every 4 hours.

An intern came and talked to us. The MICU team and the GI team have consulted and are now of the opinion that the blood Mom is passing is old blood. If it was new blood, her counts and vitals would be dropping. SO, they are thinking she may be released Thursday or Friday. But we've heard this before!

She is very anxious to go home, as is all of us.

She is still on a "clear" diet, she hasn't had "real" food since Thursday night. She is eating vicariously by asking Dad and I about every forkful of food we put in our mouth. She has remarked that this is the most expensive diet she's ever been on! Lunch just came. She has chicken broth, orange AND green jello and a nutrition supplement. YUM!

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